0393 069 10

A new range of construction size, MTG Premium Bucket Teeth are now back in stock!

At long last, we have the MTG Premium quality, self sharpening Teeth available again for Esco Conical & Cat J-Series Bucket Teeth and Esco style Ripper Teeth.

Bucket Loads of Benefits;
> Guaranteed highest quality & longest lasting Bucket Teeth in NZ!
> Get up to 3 times more wear life compared to other tooth brands!
> Self-sharpening profile throughout the entire life of the Tooth!
> Made from the toughest MTG steels to prevent breakages!

CLICK HERE to view the range of MTG Premium Teeth now!

Call 0393 069 10 to secure your set today!
(Stocks are limited until more shipments arrive during the next few months)